Monday, January 29, 2007

an evening with Emily

Togetherness does not necessitate conversation...

...although if you laugh aloud at something you are reading, you will probably be asked to share it.

If you can possibly manage to eat your hummus with raw garlic and olive oil, it is highly recommended that you do so.

And let it be known that if Emily ever meets Colonel Brandon, she will marry him on the spot.


The Wayward Budgeter said...

I will marry Colonel Brandon! I wrote about him in my journal last night, even!

I loved this post. It was very aesthetically pleasing and well-conveyed the evening.

mercychild said...

i loved the pictures.

i am, in fact, impressed by them.

and they make me want to read and drink wine. mmmm.

Libby Brown said...

'Aint that da truth.

I'd marry Colonel Brandon, but then I'd have to say no to Aya Fujimiya.